Monday, January 7, 2013

End of The World

I chose to save Liz because i am going to need someone to help keep me sane by providing me with some company. Also, two brains are better than one so we could both devise a plan to help us survive.Apart from this, Liz deserves to live because if she didn't, she would never get to fully enjoy that cupcake she is so eagerly holding in her hands with so much exciting, as seen by the expression on her face.

I choose to save water. This is most likely the most valuable thing that i am willing to save. This is because we all need water to survive, well Liz and i do since we will be the last two on the planet, and our bodies are 70% made up of water. This will provide us with hydration and an energy source so that is a double-plus. In addition, if we find a hybrid car the water can fuel it and we will have a running automobile. Water is definitely a necessity and can serve many purposes for us.

The last thing i would save is my phone. My phone is something i would never leave behind in any occasion so the end of the world seems like a great time to save it. This too can serve many purposes because technology is always a very valuable thing to preserve since there is always an advancement that can be made. I can literally be texting and instagramming until the end of the world and beyond. I can also use it to contact Liz since we are going to be the last two people on Earth. Our phones will literally save our lives just as we are saving theirs.

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